Thursday, 4 May 2017


I performed a systematic process for the needs analysis of the Language Centre at UNACAR in order to acquire accurate data. I had conversations about the Language Centre with its Principal. After that, I applied an instrument to the students in order to collect data about the issues that they might be facing in their English learning. The data collected provided me with a general view about the strengths and weaknesses within the Language Centre itself, which I contrasted in the matrix.

The main points that I found are: the attendance of 500 students from different degrees; General English courses provided to different companies and for the community; English for business; and French courses.

On the other hand, the teachers are really good and most of them have been working at the Centre for more than 10 years. The facilities are in excellent condition, they have the Self-Access Center, a library, the karaoke room, 2 laboratories, 17 classrooms and, a very nice working environment. However, the Language Centre has weak points such as the students from the different departments in the UNACAR do not attend their face-to-face tutoring 100%, many have low performance in their L2, and many more fail the courses having as a result a delay in finishing their degrees. The students’ answers show that they have a high degree of difficulty in their listening comprehension, speaking and grammar as well.


  1. Hi Hermes!
    As you might know, I'm doing my social service at a Self-Access Centre as well! And I think SACs offer learners the best opportunity for experimentation with self-directed learning, but I do consider that advisers need to provide strategies and tools that could help in Ss Foreing Language (FL) development.
