order to design the guides it is essential to take into account the following
points: selection of relevant texts, students’ level, e-tivities, time to solve
the guide and checking answers together with the students, among others. These
guides also help students to develop and consolidate their language learning skills
and sub-skills altogether.
guides are based on the sub-skills needed for reading such as: skimming,
predicting, proofreading, scanning, gist reading, intensive
reading, extensive reading, inferring meaning (of vocabulary in context, or of
the writer’s point of view), and so on.
is evident that in order to read and comprehend texts students need to manage vocabulary;
however, vocabulary should be learned in context. When students learn
vocabulary in context they might be aware that one word might have different
meanings according to the specific context. They also might see that vocabulary
has different connotations and that quite often words are associated with other
words, hence changing their meanings.
provide an example of a guide below. This guide favours key vocabulary and the meaning
of words related to reading. It emphasises that the students need to learn
vocabulary in context and that the students might use any electronic devices
available. At the end of the activities the student(s) can write any comment
about the guide.
Meaning of words
Practice the new vocabulary in context
find the key words meaning in context
Ss comment on the
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