Tuesday, 11 April 2017


For online tutoring I am using the Internet. The Internet appeared in 1990s, giving access to different kinds of materials, online socialisation, information exchange and learning environments like online tutoring. In my view, technology and multimedia, help tutors and students significantly in the active process of English learning. It permits both actors to use virtual spaces at any time and in different places such as home, office, labs, restaurant, and so on and so forth. Plus, online tutoring allows to monitor students closely and also it is possible to store valuable data related to the students such as: attendance register, e-tivities, podcasts, websites and assessments, just to mention some of them.


Methodology in this case implies:  the e-tivities, practical guides and situations that the students have to perform in order to solve their linguistic challenges. The tutoring is student-centred and above all is based on specific student’s needs. With the online tutoring students use visual and auditory materials; textual information as well as multiple applications on the World Wide Web. The students are using a blog in order to write any questions to the e-tutor, opinions, or just to post a comment regarding their own learning.

I designed a guide for the tutoring process

1.    Student and e-tutor introduction.

2.    Inform the student that the online tutoring is student-centred and that the student is the most important person in the tutoring sessions.

3.    Explain that the e-tutor will be a guide and that the e-tutor will assist them.

4.    Explain to the students the tutoring schedule so that they are able to organize their tutoring time effectively.

5.    Ask the students to reflect upon their own learning and be aware of their active role in order to solve their own learning issues.

6.    Explain to the students that the e-tutor guides them in:

v  Reading comprehension

v  Listening comprehension

v  Speaking and pronunciation

v  Writing

v  Grammatical issues

v  Vocabulary

v  Others

7.    The student will receive a didactic guide in order to work with his/her learning issues.

8.    The e-tutor and the students will share the activities and comment about the students’ strengths and weaknesses.

9.    Inform the students that they may attend the tutoring at a convenient time for them.


  1. Hi Hermes,

    all your new entries and findings are interesting. I have some questions :(

    -Regarding your guide for the tutoring process, are you going to design a data research tool to complement or support your guide, maybe a questionnaire?

    -What kind of information are you planning to obtain from the tutoring blog? would it be possible to systematize this info? if so, how?

    The elements of professionalism diagram are very challenging, and as a teacher, I want to be able to dominate all BEs.

    -I consider that your framework for online tutoring includes essential elements. I am sure that meaningful learning in included in some of the five elements, which one is this?

    The inclusion of the "flexible" word in this framework is very convenient because that way you can integrate or exclude elements.

    Great info and thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Thanks for your comments and good questions!!

    Please, do not forget to keep coming back :)

    Have a great day!!
